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WE need more real world female role models showing girls the way

girledworld is committed to increasing the capacity of girls, the visibility of women’s leadership across Australia, and connecting girls with mentors and role models who can help positively influence their choices and future career pathways.

We celebrate the brave, bold and brilliant women who step up to challenge status quo, push through invisible barriers and help shape a thriving, inclusive, diversity-led economic and social future for Australia.

girledworld works with a portfolio of amazing, inspiring female leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers who provide mentorship to girls aged 15-18 years in our workshops, programs, workplace internship placements and state-wide events. 

What we know through our research and work with girls is that frame of reference matters. Workplace mentors can make a disproportionate difference to the lives of girls because they open them to new personal and professional possibilities, and cultivate their mindsets and skillsets before they step into tertiary and future industry pathways.

Our girledworld mini-internships give Australian girls in Years 9-12 the chance to gain experience with real role models in real world workplaces to give them the skillsets, mindsets and toolkits they’ll need to to be work ready in the future.

If you are a business, corporate, startup, co-working space or institution who would like to talk to us about our Workplace Mentoring and Employability Skills Programs or Mini-Internships we’d love to hear from you!

Please get in touch at or fill out the Workplace Mentoring application form here.

We look forward to chatting and hearing more about you!